Adult coloring pages have become all the rage over the past couple of years. I for one couldn’t be happier about it! My love for coloring was inherited from my dad who was coloring with crayons in kid’s books long before free printable adult coloring pages became available.
Below are a few free printable coloring pages for adults so you can color without spending a dime. No coloring pencils on hand? Break out your kids’ crayons if you have to and remember to relax and have fun. Coloring can be a great stress reliever for grown-ups and a way to keep up your fine motor skills as you age.

Printable Coloring Pages for Adults
Dr. Suess quote free printable coloring sheet – “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Secret Garden free adult coloring sheets – This collection is so peaceful! I want the garden to be real and ready for me to step into.

Coloring page from the Psalms – relax with scripture thanks to this free adult coloring sheet.

Coffee printable coloring sheets for adults – Coffee lover? Color pictures of it while you drink a cup. Love it!

Camera coloring page – this one’s for my fellow shutterbugs

Squirrel coloring sheet – A freebie from a published adult coloring book author. Order the whole Enchanted Forest book if you like their adult coloring sheets.

Cinderella-inspired coloring sheets for adults – For all of the Disney fans out there!

Today is Going to be Awesome – Repeat this to yourself until it’s true. 🙂

Fish coloring page – If watching them in a tank is supposed to lower your blood pressure, I wonder if coloring them does the same?

Color a little still life and feel like an artist.

Want a challenging coloring page? This flower coloring page is pretty complex.

It’s tough to be an adult, and some days you need to just say, “Screw it. I’m coloring a unicorn” These free printable coloring pages for adults have you covered on days like that.

If you’ve graduated from free adult coloring sheets and want to start collecting coloring books of your own, here are a few of my favorites.
Adult Coloring Books
Sometimes it’s nice to have a print coloring book or two on hand for when your printer is out of ink. These are a few quality coloring books that caught my eye.
Secret Worlds – An enjoyable coloring book for a little bit of escapism.
The Calm Coloring Book – Give yourself some color therapy with enjoyable coloring page options for when you just need to breathe.
Vintage Tattoo Designs – Have fun coloring these vintage tattoo designs. If you want to be really edgy, get a swear word coloring book.
Coloring Supplies
The art of coloring can be as simple or as detailed as you’d like it to be. Here are a few supplies you’ll need for the coloring process.
As far as colored pencils go, I’m currently slumming it with cheap colored pencils I already had on hand. Nothing wrong with that. You can even break out the crayons and spend quality time with your kids by letting them color with you!
However, I keep hearing about high-quality color pencils like Prismacolor Color Pencils and Goldfaber Color Pencils. They seem to be the favorite among adults with coloring skills better than my own.

Alcohol Markers
If you’re ready for a coloring adventure, branch out beyond pencils and try alcohol markers. You can get incredibly vibrant color options with these artist markers and bring shading to a whole new level. Plus you’ll never have to worry about sharpening pencils.

Other Coloring Options
You might also like these intricate mandalas to print.
And if that doesn’t cut it? Watch and listen to someone else color and I guarantee you’ll relax enough to go to sleep!
If you’re on a budget or on the go, try a coloring app such as Happy Color or Chroma. These free apps don’t require you to have any supplies on hand and you can even “color” in the dark.
Whichever way it takes you, enjoy your coloring journey.
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