If you’re not a bath person, but still want to reap the benefits of epsom salt baths, try this foot bath detox instead. The pores on the bottom of your feet are the largest in your body allowing them expel toxins and absorb minerals.
If you are a bath person, soak up! Last night I did my second detox bath using this formula and slept like a baby that night! I put the toxins right back in by watching Downton Abbey and eating potato chips, but oh well. 😉
Mom is having trouble sleeping so yesterday I sent her home with a detox bath in a jar. It makes a great gift!
To use this detox bath is as an Epsom Salt Foot Bath. Just use ⅓ of the jar’s contents for each foot bath detox. Use the whole jar for a traditional bath in the tub.
Epsom Salt Foot Bath Detox in a Jar
You will need:
2 cups Epsom Salts (get it in bulk for cheap here if you are making lots for gifts)
1 tablespoon Ground Ginger
5 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil*
5 drops Young Living Citrus Fresh Essential Oil Blend*
1 pint-sized Mason jar
String, ribbon, or twine
Cute gift tags

- Mix Epsom salts, ginger, lavender, and citrus blend together in a medium bowl

- Pour into Mason jar and secure lid
- Tie on gift tag
A couple of notes if you are using this epsom salt foot bath as a whole body detox bath:
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! – Full body detox baths are dehydrating so drink a quart of water an hour or so before bathing (so you have time to void your bladder before you get in the tub!) and also drink a quart immediately after to re-hydrate and further flush out toxins.
- You will get sweaty – You’ll sweat in the bath and for at least an hour after you get out of the tub. This detox bath is very relaxing and can support restful sleep, but unless you want to wake with your sheets a sweaty mess, allow an hour between finishing your bath and getting into bed. That hour will also give you time to void your bladder again so you aren’t up all night in the bathroom!

* Why Young Living Essential Oils? I’m so glad you wondered! Click the link to learn more about why I chose Young Living Essential oils and how you can benefit from them too. You might also like my sore muscle soak post:

* Why Young Living Essential Oils? I’m so glad you wondered! Click the link to learn more about why I chose Young Living Essential oils and how you can benefit from them too. You might also like my sore muscle soak post:
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