Does it seem like everyone in your Facebook feed, place of business, and playdate group is using essential oils? There’s a reason! After using Young Living Premium Starter Kit Oils every day for the past several years, I can tell you what all the fuss is about. They work. And I’d love for you to experience their effectiveness for yourself!
Keep reading to find out why I chose Young Living over two other front-runners during my quest to find an essential oil supplier, and after four years of daily use of Young Living products, why I can recommend no other essential oil company.
Do you already know that Young Living is the best of the best? Ready to start your oily journey with a Young Living Premium Starter Kit? Take advantage of this amazing special that includes everything you need to get started with essential oils. Want to learn more before taking the plunge? Keep reading!
Young Living Premium Starter Kit
Purchase a Young Living Premium Starter Kit ($165 for over $300 worth of product. What a great deal on it’s own!) and I will send you the following resources to get you started off on the right foot.
- Essential Oils Pocket Reference 6th Edition – An invaluable resource of nearly 500 pages at your fingertips. With this spiral-bound reference guide in hand you’ll always know how to use your oils.
- The Essential Oils Starter Guide – A beautiful 20+ page booklet that demonstrates uses for all of the Young Living Premium Starter Kit oils Think of it as the “quick start guide” to oiling.
- This beautifully sewn, softly-padded cloth carrying case holds 16 bottles from 5 ml (milliliter), 10ml and 15ml sizes. Softly-padded cloth dividers separate and protect each bottle. Will also hold 3.5 inch tall essential oil roll-on 10ml bottles. Handle on top keeps your oils upright when being transported. Available in solid black only.
- Membership in Oily Families and access to Oily Connections on Facebook – Oily Families is over 22,000 members strong! Join our Oily Connections Facebook group for a smaller, more personal experience. Ask questions, share your excitement about essential oils, and get to know others along the way.
- Email Support – An introductory email class, plus ongoing support from yours truly.
These powerful, effective oils are created to work perfectly with our bodies! People have been using them for thousands of years, so I kind of cringe when I hear them referred to as a trend.
How we got started with Young Living
After hearing so much about essential oils and deciding to give them a try, I proceeded to research them to death. If you’re a detail-oriented person like me, you know the feeling! Hubs was wondering if they made an essential oil to help me stop researching essential oils.
Several hours into my quest for information, I had narrowed down my supplier of choice to three different companies. In the end, I chose Young Living.
Young Living Seed To Seal
Here are a couple of additional factors besides the 10 listed in the graphic above that contributed to my decision:
1. When it comes to essential oils, you get what you pay for – If a supplier can afford to sell a bottle of lavender oil for $7 at your local health food store, that’s not 100% lavender. It’s diluted at best and barely a step up from fragrance oil at worst. Choosing an essential oil company isn’t about price shopping, but finding the best quality possible. This eliminates the majority of brands right away. The other two companies I considered were comparable in cost to Young Living.
2. Young Living doesn’t use brokers – What does that mean? Young Living distills products from their own independently-owned farms for maximum quality control. The other two companies I considered purchase harvests from many different farmers or purchase oils already distilled before selling them to you. By using Young Living you are cutting out a middleman.
Fast forward a few years here are 3 more reasons I’m glad I chose Young Living
4. Young Living is fanatical about quality. Gary Young eats, sleeps, and breathes essential oils. Below are a couple of ways I’ve witnessed it.
Example 1: Did you know that certain plants like Oregano have to be turned every few hours while they are drying after harvest or they will mildew? Since Young Living owns their farms and hire the employees directly, they can make sure this is being done. I doubt the other two companies I considered have any idea if the oregano their oil came from was turned every few hours since they are so far removed from the process.
Example 2: Last year we were out of a beloved oil blend for 6 months due to a black spruce shortage. YL purchased a farm with mature black spruce trees to meet the demand, but there was a gap in “coverage” so to speak. For the first time, they tried sourcing this oil from third parties (which is what other oil companies do every day with all of their oils ) but after testing these black spruce oils from several sources, they determined none of them were of superior enough quality to bear the YL name. They could have made a lot of being happy in the short term and made a lot of money by just accepting a substandard oil, but they refused to do so. We waited 6 months for them build a distillery in Canada so the black spruce could be distilled properly after it was harvested without damaging the constituents (and thereby the therapeutic quality) of the oils.
You see, even if a plant is grown from non-GMO seeds, grown without pesticides, harvested at the right time of year, and turned while it was drying if need be, it can still be damaged in the distillation process if not done properly. You won’t find this kind of dedication to quality with any other oil company. The Young Living Seed to Seal Guarantee means that from the time the seed is put into the ground to the time the seal goes on the bottle, purity and quality are guaranteed each step of the way.
5. Value – Young Living has a rewards program (Young Living Essential Rewards), monthly promos, and the opportunity for members to get their starter kits paid for, even if they don’t want to pursue the business side of things. If you’re still hung up on price shopping for your oils, you’ll like this part. The price points for the other two companies I considered weren’t all that far apart from YL, so with the added promos and programs available you through Young Living Essential Rewards you actually get more bang for your buck over the long term with Young Living.
There is a bounty of information on the internet about essential oils. I encourage you to do some research yourself rather than just taking my word for it. I’m confident you’ll come to the same conclusion.
Now I don’t leave home without my oils. Seriously.
Are you ready to get started with your Young Living Premium Starter Kit? Here’s a helpful guide to answer questions and walk you through the process.
Step by step instructions on how to join Young Living Essential Oils:
- Click here to begin the quick and easy enrollment process.
- Select “Member” not retail customer. This is the wholesale membership. You are NOT AGREEING TO SELL or distribute anything. Pinky promise! If you select “Retail Customer” you will not receive wholesale pricing and will pay retail which is 24% more than wholesale.
- Make sure my member number (1612967) is in the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots.
- Be sure to include your email address so I can invite you to the Oily Connections Facebook support group . This support is vital for empowering you to use the oils to the fullest.
- Choose the Young Living Premium Starter Kit you want then proceed to check out. You do not have to order a Young Living Essential Rewards kit to join. Ordering one of these kits will place you on an auto-ship program to get free oils. If you’d like to be part of Young Living Essential Rewards you can sign up at a later date and you still won’t have to purchase a kit to be part of it.
- Done. Your oils are on their way, and so is your gift from me!
Young Living Premium Starter Kit FAQs
Why Should I Become A Wholesale Member?
Because this option provides you 24% off retail price! As you use the oils and you share your testimonials with friends and family, you have the option (zero pressure!) of earning commissions when others join and purchase Young Living oils.
Is there a monthly order minimum?
NO. You can just order what you need when you need it. Amen? No muss no fuss.
How much is a Young Living Starter Kit?
To get the most bang for your buck, order one of the Young Living Premium Starter Kits. I suggest the Premium Starter Kit with Dewdrop Diffuser.
You receive the 12 bottles of essential oils plus more! It’s over a $300 value for $165!
Young Living Starter Kit Oils
The Young Living Starter Kit Oils in the current kit are:
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Lemon
- Valor
- Peace and Calming
- Frankincense
- Thieves
- Citrus Fresh
- Raven
- DiGize
- Panaway
- Stress Away
There are ZERO obligation to sell oils when you join as a wholesale member.
Are you *sure* there are no monthly order requirements?
To retain an active wholesale account, you have to place one 50PV minimum order per year. If you miss that deadline, you can reactivate your account by calling Young Living Customer Care with a 100PV (point volume) order.
If someone wants to join Young Living through me, what do I give them?
When you join, you will be assigned your own member number to give to your friends and family who are interested in joining as well.
Is there a way to save even more money?
Yes! Young Living Essential Rewards offers reduced shipping, credit for free oils & more! Each month there are great promotions for free oils when you place an Essential Rewards order. The Essential Rewards program is completely optional and never required at sign up.
Young Living Essential Rewards
What kind of support do I get after joining Young Living through you?
When you join Young Living through me, I don’t leave you hanging or wondering what to do next. You will get access to the private Oily Connections group that is a wealth of information. You can search the archives, ask questions, get tips on how to use your oils, and “talk shop” with other oilers.
If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]