*Note: The wording of this post has been changed from the original in order to ensure FDA compliance and may not contain as much information or read as smoothly as it was intended. Please email [email protected] with any questions.
“Worm of Ring”: If you have kids or pets you’ve probably experienced it. Our last “Worm of Ring” outbreak was before we had children and courtesy of one of our cats. After applying anti-fungal cream for days without seeing results, we wound up applying straight bleach to our skin to make it go away (yeeeeaaah.)
We wouldn’t dream of applying Clorox to Sweet T’s skin, so when the tell-tale ring showed up on Sweet T’s knee following by itching and scratching, I reached for my essential oils for a safe, all-natural solution.
I applied one drop of one of Thieves and one drop of Lavender to the “Worm of Ring” at night before bed. I applied another drop of each the following morning. 24 hours after the first application, the “Worm of Ring” was gone without a trace. Gone. Not faded or looking better. GONE. In a day.
I turned to Hubs and said, “Why isn’t everyone using these oils? Why won’t they reach out and take this help that is available?”
Being my perfect match, he gently patted my shoulder and reminded me that it took us a while to come around when it came to essential oils.
He was right…as usual.
My oils amaze me on a daily basis, and I truly believe they belong in every home in the world. I’m that passionate about them. Don’t wait as long as I did to improve your quality of life with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Ready to start your journey with essential oils? Click here for more info or email me at admin(at)sweettmakesthree.com if you have questions.
Ray says
Did this. 36 hours and they are definitely healing but not magically dissapearing.
Jenn says
I’m glad it’s getting better. We caught my daughter’s ringworm immediately so that might have something to do with how quickly it went away.
Nicole says
The thieves didn’t burn your daughter? My daughter has 1 on her thigh, I am scared it will burn.
Jenn says
We did not dilute the oil which was probably irresponsible of us. Dilute with a carrier oil at first to make sure there’s no negative reaction, especially when using on children.
Denise says
What is thieves? I have quite a few oils but have never seen that one
Jill says
What is thieves oil?
Jenn says
It is an essential oil blend from Young Living.
AC says
Is this safe for kittens? If so, do we put a cone on them while it absorbs in to the skin so they can’t lick it?
Jenn says
I would be really cautious with a kitten. OTC flea meds usually cut the dose in half. I’m not a veterinarian so do with that what you will.